Latest ESPAD survey on underage drinking


The latest report of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) shows that underage drinking declined by 22% among 15- to 16-year-olds (pre-COVID analysis).


The latest ESPAD report, concluded before the onset of the COVID pandemic, presents trend data that shows a significant decrease in alcohol consumption among school students in the EU, with levels far lower than in 2003, when alcohol consumption among this age group peaked. The report is based on an anonymous survey that is regularly conducted among 100,000 students in 35 European countries. In the EU (and Norway), overall alcohol consumption fell by 22% and declined in nearly all Member States. Heavy episodic drinking fell by 19%, and 86% of the respondents reported never being drunk in the past month. There were some notable differences between countries, and localised interventions adapted to the respective social and cultural contexts should be adopted to advance these positive trends.